
Linkedin for Language School Marketing

LinkedIn for Language School Marketing
Linkedin for Schools

Linkedin for Language School Marketing

How can LinkedIn be used for Language School Marketing?

If you are an ELT professional or language school you have probably already asked yourself how Linkedin can be used in your language school marketing. Have you found support online? Probably very little support for language schools. So here I am to support you with three basic points to consider about using Linkedin in your language school marketing.

I started using LinkedIn when it was only a platform where you had your CV. Since then I have seen it grow and transform over the years. LinkedIn is a professional social media network with its own dynamics and it is also a powerful marketing tool for language school marketing.

In this article, I would like to clarify 3 essential points for language schools that are considering LinkedIn for their marketing.

1.Linkedin Profile vs Company Page

On Linkedin, your profile and the profile of every single person that works in your school can be more important than the company page!

People like interacting with people so profiles are where people talk to each other and that’s where relationships grow. Similarly to what happens offline. Remember your profile isn’t personal as in other platforms, but it’s a “professional” profile linked to the education brand you own or work for.

This has a simple implication. It’s key that every member of staff on LinkedIn is aware that they are representing the school. For this reason, they should post content that is relevant to their professional life and in line with the education brand, i.e your institution.

When prospective customers look into your school page or “company page” they will check who works there. By doing this they will see what teachers and other school members are talking about, commenting and sharing. This is why it’s so important that everyone is aligned on the message and the tone of the communication. As well as this, it’s also key that there isn’t content that may deter a potential student.

2. Is it worth using Linkedin for language school marketing?

Language schools that are using other social media platforms successfully wonder if it’s worth being also on LinkedIn.

The short answer is YES! LinkedIn is definitely worth investing time in for a language school or education brand. It can help you grow your brand, reinforce your reputation and expand your territory in various ways. What’s more, you can showcase your professional work and put yourself in front of the eyes of hundreds of professionals. These are potential customers who may want your language services for themselves, their colleagues or their children.

Post by Fiona Hunter a freelance teacher and materials writer on Linkedin

Personally, I’d recommend using LinkedIn to:

  1. Build a strong brand – reputation; focus on your school activity from a professional point of view
  2. Network with ELT players
  3. Showcase your courses (not only Business English courses)
  4. Attract collaboration with ELT publishers
  5. Attract collaboration with exam boards
  6. Keep abreast of the latest trends in the ELT industry
  7. Intersect potential customers
  8. Recruit new staff.

3. What to post on Linkedin to promote a Language School?

At this point, you might be wondering what to post on LinkedIn as part of your language school marketing. There isn’t a “one-answer-fits-all” here as posting is part of a strategy that is unique to you and based on your objectives. There are a variety of posts you can share and I am more than happy to help you if you need direction. (Feel free to contact me here by the way.)

Technically speaking, your posts should be in line with the network’s style and demographics. ( If you aren’t familiar with Linkedin then I’d suggest reading “Which social media should you use to market a language school? ” to get an idea and also look at the platform yourself.) Once your content has been decided and before you start posting, please bear in mind that Linkedin has its own style. This means that you’d better:

  • Avoid crossposting

Most posts done on other platforms will look awkward on Linkedin. Before you cross-post make sure you have the right post size, the right graphic style and the right language to go with it.

To understand better why I recommend avoiding cross-posting take a look at these scenes from Bridget Jones’s Diary. Sharing on Linkedin a post created for another social media network can have the same effect on your Linkedin network as the guests had in the wedding party!

BridgetJones wrong outfit
This is what it looks like when you cross-post from other platforms on Linkedin without the necessary tweaks!
  • Mind your emojis

Initially, LinkedIn didn’t have emojis which are now available. Should you include them? How many? As they are available they are more accepted and used nowadays. However, how many and how often depends, in my humble opinion, on your style, who you are “talking” to and also what you’re writing about. I’d say use your common sense bearing in mind that you are in a professional network with a slightly more formal tone than other networks.

Should you include Linkedin in your Language School Marketing?

If you feel you have the time and resources to try Linkedin for your school, then I do recommend giving it a go. After trying it for a consistent period of time you will be surprised by the results! However, as with any other social media network, you need a strategy and a content plan to get results from it. Once you have defined your goals, strategy and content you can get started. BUT… Make sure you’re like one of the guests at the wedding party and not Bridget!

I guess at this point you can sense that LinkedIn works differently from other social media networks. However, it doesn’t mean it’s more difficult to use or less rewarding. On the contrary, once you get the foundations right and a strategy for your language school marketing on LinkedIn, you can make LinkedIn work smoothly for you. It will become a valuable asset for your school marketing!

If you need help planning your strategy on LinkedIn, contact me for a (non-obligation) chat to see if and how I can support you. Click here.

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