
How to find students for Business English and ESP courses on LinkedIn

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Linkedin for Schools

How to find students for Business English and ESP courses on LinkedIn

According to a recent report “there are currently over 700 million users on LinkedIn, 1.7 million of those are teachers, and 300k are currently listed as an English language teaching professional”

Also, there is a wealth of ELT professionals, institutions and educational leaders that LinkedIn can connect you with.

The people that can buy your courses, especially your Business English and ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses are on this platform too and in huge numbers.

Boost your Business English and ESP courses through LinkedIn.
Boost your Business English and ESP courses through LinkedIn. (Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels)

In Italy 50% of B2B (business to business) clients use LinkedIn to learn about and assess a company’s reputation when looking for services. Basically, these businesses use the platform to understand the other business’ standards, services, quality, commitment and so on.

Why should language schools be on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is clearly the place to be as a language school to find students like:
  • Career-minded employees that want or need to improve their English skills to go up the career ladder
  • High-flying university students that need English for international studies
  • Freelance professionals seeking to polish their language skills to expand their client portfolio
  • Parents looking for the right place to enrol their children.
  • HR selecting a language school for their company courses

Strategies to find students for language courses on LinkedIn

What can I post on LinkedIn to attract students for my courses?
  • Showcase the quality, style and benefits of your language courses
  • Showcase the results of your students (exam results, hiring results and feedback)
  • Engage with post and make yourself and school known through your comments in potential customers’ posts
  • Share articles and news that will respond to those prospect students’ needs and dreams.
  • Share tips and tricks that will solve your target student’s language problems.
  • Comment posts by giving your own sound advice, professional opinion and adding value to the discussion.

Remember: people buy from people, not from companies.

It is crucial that you engage with employees of businesses that are in your area. It is also worth following company pages to monitor their activity and have a better understanding of what their needs in terms of language training could be. However, above all, what you need to do is to showcase your skills and talent and always have a positive attitude!

Start doing all of the above and you will be noticed and visible to your potential Business English and ESP students!

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graphic of Gina Rodriguez, ELT Marketing Consultant for Language Schools
Gina Rodriguez, ELT Marketing Consultant for Language Education

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